WISH recognises 15 health innovation applications

Source: Qatar Tribune
ONE was a former motorcycle racer and the other an ex-insomnia-sufferer. What do they have in common? They’re both visionaries who used their talents to create health solutions.
Mike Norman, who spent over 40 years in the motor and motorcycle industry, developed a motorcycle ambulance known as eRanger in the UK to navigate rough terrains.
The eRanger is being used throughout Africa and India, providing healthcare in hard to reach areas today and was one among the 15 most innovative solutions from around the world which were recognised at the inaugural World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) on Wednesday.
Peter Hames’ Sleepio App was another leading health innovation that was recognised during the event. Hames, considers his own experience with insomnia as one of the worst experiences he has had in life.
Speaking at a plenary session for innovation showcase, he said,”When I suffered from insomnia, a doctor prescribed me sleeping pills, which were hardly effective. Having a university background in Psychology, I was aware of evidence-based non-drug interventions for insomnia such as cognitive behaviour therapy.”
Today, Hames’ Sleepio course, which is accessible via the web/mobile phone, which he co-founded with sleep expert Professor Colin Espie is the first of its kind in the world. It helps people sleep better using the power of technology and works in partnerships with organisations including the Guardian and the Mental Health Foundation.
Operation Hernia, a non-profit organisation which has pioneered the use of mosquito netting in groin hernia repair surgery at a fraction of the cost of traditional surgical netting, was also recognised.
According to Andrew Kingsworth, director of Operation Hernia, the netting used through the programme is 4,000 times cheaper, yet effective.
To date, Operation Hernia has repaired over 9,000 hernias at 16 locations in 12 countries with volunteers from 26 countries.
Other innovations also showcased during the event were Helix Centre (London), SalaUno (Mexico), Solvatten water purifier (Sweden), One Family Health, Riders4Health, Operation ASHA, Primary Care 101, Remotion knee/Jaiper foot, and ALiVE-Immersive media, BleepBleeps, Smartphone Physical, and GEvScan ultrasound scanner.
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