WISH CEO Egbert Schillings talks to Pravda about the ambitions for WISH 2015
WISH CEO Egbert Schillings is interviewed by Russian newspaper, Pravda, about his ambitions for WISH 2015;
Recently appointed CEO Egbert Schillings has joined WISH as it evolves into a leading influence within the global healthcare system. Mr Schillings is an accomplished business leader, with 20 years’ experience in the global healthcare industry across payers, provider systems, best practice research, and consulting. With Mr. Schillings at the helm WISH aims to evolve into a leading influence to accelerate the innovation cycle for the benefit of populations everywhere.
A regular contributor to major international health events, Mr Schillings recently returned from the ninth meeting of the National Cancer Institute Directors, in Lyon, France, where he shared details of one the WISH 2015 research workstreams on the affordability of cancer care.
To read the full article click here; http://english.pravda.ru/health/18-09-2014/128551-world_innovation_summit_health-0/
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