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توفير التغطية الصحية الشاملة: دليل إرشادي لصناع السياسات

توفير التغطية الصحية الشاملة: دليل إرشادي لصناع السياسات

David Nicholson Robert Yates Will Warburton Gianluca Fontana

“التغطية الصحية الشاملة” هو مفهوم يضمن حصول الأشخاص على علاجاتهم الصحية مع حمايتهم من العبء المالي الذي تجلبه هذه الخدمات.

ملخص تنفيذي

In many instances, specific policy recommendations in these areas will be highly dependent on the context of the country concerned. In particular, the health needs of the population, the level of economic development and the country’s political environment should be major factors shaping policy responses. Designing and implementing a UHC strategy should therefore not be seen as a one-size-fits-all process.

However, in reviewing the research evidence and drawing on the experiences of the WISH forum of experts who advised on this paper, we have identified some strategic issues where a consensus is emerging on approaches that are more likely to be effective.