Elevating the diabetes debate

Following the 2015 summit, the Executive Board of the Health Ministers’ Council for Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) States requested copies of the Forum report to distribute to their ministers for policy guidance.
Additionally, the Hon Judy Moylan, President and Chair of the Board of Diabetes Australia, co-chair of the Australian Government’s National Diabetes Strategy Advisory Group, and WISH Diabetes Forum member, shared the Forum report with the
Parliamentary Diabetes Global Action Network, a high-profile diabetes advocacy program of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Through this connection, we’ve distributed our report to Australian MPs to highlight our policy recommendations and strengthen the debate on how best to tackle the diabetes pandemic in Australia and beyond.
WISH also supported the Arab Diabetes Medical Congress held in Qatar in April under the patronage of the Supreme Council of Health. The Congress convened more than 300 healthcare leaders from the Arab world, and all received a copy of the report and learned about our research efforts.
Looking forward, in Qatar the local “WISH Implementation Taskforce”, endorsed by His Excellency Mr. Abdulla bin
Khalid Al Qahtani, Minister of Public Health, has launched an Accountable Care project to support Qatar’s National Health Strategy in delivering high-value care to the local population by applying accountable care principles to contain costs while improving quality. One of the pilot programs will focus on providing better prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment for diabetes, which afflicts an estimated 23% of the Qatari population.
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