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Health Minister of Oman at the Wish Summit by France 24.
Health Minister of Oman at the Wish Summit by France 24.Novo relatório alerta para risco de bactérias super-resistentesSuu Kyi back from Qatar after attending health summitNational Mental Health Strategy for QatarObesity crisis ‘taken world by surprise’【ドーハ(カタール)2013年12月11日PRN=共同JBN】世界のリーダー、政策立案者たちが第1回World Innovation Summit for Health(WISH)で最も緊急な世界的健康問題への革新的な解決策を討議するため、11日ドーハに集まった。Pop-up health clinic on a motorbikeWorld Innovation Summit for Health 2013: Obesity is a global public health pandemicQatar at top in adopting new tech in healthCall for suitable technology, more healthcare professionals