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Dr. Xavier Querol Carceller

Sunday, November 3, 2024
Dr. Xavier Querol Carceller
Xavier Querol (Research Professor at the Spanish Research Council) works on environmental geochemistry applied to air pollution. PhD at University of Barcelona, postdoc at BGS-NERC, UK, and since 1994 at the Spanish Research Council. He has led numerous research projects, co-authored 770 scientific articles, and supervised 32 PhD students. Member of working groups assessing Clean Air for Europe (2001-2008), several WHO-groups (2012-2024), Scientific Bureau of EMEP-UNECE (2010-24), assessing the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and several cities and regions of Spain. Environment Award of the Generalitat de Catalunya 2009. King Jaume I Award 2013 for the Protection of the Environment. National Research Award on Natural Resources in 2020, In the lists of Clarivate on the most cited researchers since 2014.