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UNICEF Violence Against Children

UNICEF Violence Against Children

Mr. Abdulla Saeed Al-Mohannadi, Mr. Anthony MacDonald, Ms. Sultana Afdhal, Prof. Khalid Al Ansari, Ms. Dana Al Kahlout, Dr. Sanaa Al-harahsheh, Dr. Sadriya Al-Kooheji, Ms. Hanadi Al-Shafei, Mr. Ahmed Aref, Ms. Sajeda Atari, Dr. Nadeem Jilani

Violence against children is a public health problem that requires a concerted multi-sectoral effort to respond and prevent in order to mitigate its immediate consequences on children, as well as to break the cycle of violence from one generation to another. According to Article 19 of the UN CRC (WHO, 2005), violence against children encompasses “all forms of physical or mental violence, injury and abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse”. A child who is abused, or experiences different types of violence, is also more likely to abuse or get abused by others as an adult leading to a vicious cycle of violence (WHO, 2007).

Executive Summary