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Partnering with Patients, Families, and Communities for Health: A Global Imperative

Partnering with Patients, Families, and Communities for Health: A Global Imperative

Susan Edgman-Levitan and Carrie Brady with Peter Howitt

This report argues that the most pressing issues today won’t come from top-down approaches but from ordinary people themselves. It explores how the prospect of “good education” and “better healthcare” are positively correlated dynamics.

Executive Summary

Involving people in healthcare (what this report calls “engagement”) is very powerful, but how can it be used to achieve change? This report introduces a new GlobalHealth Partnership Framework to clarify opportunities forinnovation.

The next two sections of this report explain that engagement is an essential tool for health ministers to improve global health, as it promotes effective stewardship and utilization of limited resources. As it depends on flexible partnerships with local people, it is a scalable solution applicable to any country and any health challenge. It reflects and incorporates multi-faceted healthcare needs, and helps to avoid wasted resources and effort. Engagement in healthcare could be the “blockbuster[solution] of the century.”

Despite its potential, however,there are many barriers to engagement.Demonstrating thatthese barriers canbe overcome, and thatthe benefits far outweighthe challenges, the Effective Engagement sectionhighlights successfulanddiverse engagementprograms from around the world, including those in the map.