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Investing in Health: The Economic Case

Investing in Health: The Economic Case

Dean Jamison Gavin Yamey Naomi Beyeler Hester Wadge

This paper argues that governments should make better investment of their resources to help contain the severity of some of the deadliest health problems we face today.

Executive Summary

Developing country governments and aid agencies face difficult decisions on how best to allocate their finite resources. Investments in many different sectors – including education, water and sanitation, transportation, and health – can all reap social and economic benefits. This report focuses specifically on the health sector. It presents compelling evidence of the value of scaling-up health investments. The economic case for increasing these investments in health has never been stronger.

Having made progress in reducing maternal and child mortality, and deaths from infectious diseases, it is essential that policymakers do not become complacent. These gains will be quickly reversed without sustained health investments. Scaled-up investments will be needed to tackle the emerging non-communicable disease (NCD) burden and to achieve universal health coverage (UHC).