Breathe Magic Intensive Therapy Programme

Breathe Magic is an evidence-based therapy programme for young people with hemiplegia; occupational therapists work alongside professional magicians to teach magic tricks that develop hand and arm function, cognitive abilities, and independence.
Breathe Arts Health Research has designed, researched and delivered an innovative intervention incorporating specially selected magic tricks that provoke specific two-handed actions, performance and problem-solving skills into an intensive bimanual and goal-oriented therapy programme for young people with hemiplegia, since 2008.
Grounded in world-class medical research, this award-winning approach gives young people access to over 60 hours of bimanual intensive therapy and transforms them into young magicians. Highly specialist occupational therapists work alongside Magic Circle magicians to provide therapy in a group setting with one-to-one support, delivering interventions tailored to suit each young person’s particular strengths and needs.