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Prof. Patrick Aebischer

Sunday, November 10, 2024
Prof. Patrick Aebischer
Patrick Aebischer is President Emeritus of EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne. During his 16-year term as EPFL President, from 2000 to 2016, he transformed the school and established it as a world-calibre university of science and technology. Currently, he is Senior Partner at +ND Capital, a venture capital firm that invests in disruptive technology in the life, physical and data sciences. He is vice-chairman of GESDA, the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator. He serves on the board of Nestlé and Polypeptide Group and is a former board member of Logitech and Lonza. He is also, the founder of four biotechnology companies. Prior to joining EPFL, Patrick Aebischer was a faculty member of the University of Lausanne and Brown University. He studied Medicine and Neurosciences at the University of Fribourg and Geneva in Switzerland.